Children`s poems...

                                                 This page is dedicated to native children and children around the world...

                                                                                         Our children are our future...

I have well over 400 poems saved for future books of my work that I will published. Here are some examples from each subject of my peotry. These are the three people who have inspired me as a writer/poet; John Lennon, Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell...

I own copyright of my poetry, so please ask permission if you want to share or use my work for educational or private use... 

                                     "Age of innocence..."


The beauty in children is magical, I call the age of innocence,

No barriers with no judgement, with no sense of resistance...


Laughter filled with joy, sweet memories that last a life time,

Of secrets kept, even shared with a friend you trust, in mind...


Play pretend for many hours, of what might be, when older,

Dreaming what future may bring, perhaps maybe discovered...


Not care the color of ones skin, rich or poor, but acceptance,

A playmate, a friend forever, beauty is, the age of innocence...


We were all once children, so don`t forget, or live with regret,

The age of innocence is yours to hold or cherish, don`t forget...


Through innocence eyes or mind, with complete acceptance,

Is the beauty of all children, does begins life, age of innocence...


                             The age of innocence...❤

I dedicate this to all native children who were

put into child welfare services in Canada...


       "The forgotten children in foster care..."


For three decades I have dedicated my work to us,

The forgotten children in foster care, who do we trust...


The children who parents put in residential school,

Forced into child welfare unwanted, greed their tool...


Never mentioned, us non-status children, as like me,

The numbers are in the thousands, why can`t they see…


I am one of many, children lost generations, are forever,

Family unit destroyed, mine was, is my daily reminder...


We children in foster care, are last to be recognized,

In the thousands, even today, seen through blind eyes...


Taken from parents who loved us, we were all wanted,

Instead we mourn our loss, our memories so haunted...


We were used as a commodity, foster care a business,

Society turned a blind eye, never were of no interest...


I miss the only chance, to be part of a normal family,

Only within my mind, my empty heart, is all I can see...


Canada was remember, the forgotten children in care,

History will record these dark times, need to be aware...


     We are the forgotten children in foster care... 


                                    "A Dream Catcher tale..."


Story goes, this tale originated from the Ojibwe nation, long ago,

To protect the child, while sleeping, with love, for their protection,

Spread throughout all the nations, throughout the world, as told...


When a dream catcher is hung by a baby or child`s sleeping area,

It catches the bad dreams, the good dreams travel safely through,

A story told for thousands of years, past down, a protection aura...


It gives a peace of mind, for child and caring parents, the old ones,

Complete the circle of life, a connection to the past, and the future,

Inner contentment, positive attitude towards life, love number one...


One has to believe, ancient stories told, in order to become reality,

Made of natural materials, given from mother earth, this has to be,

A dream catcher tale, words of wisdom, stories were given to me...


                              A Dream Catcher Tale...❤

                                            "Tiny Tots..."


My favorite part of the pow-wow is, when our tiny tots dance,

Baby in arms, learning to walk, feeling the pride, for instance...


Tears of pride on my eyes, seeing each little girl and little boy,

Starting the pow-wow journey of culture, feeling so much joy...


Mummy and daddy`s head held up high, our culture`s tiny tots,

Dress in beautiful colors, make sure the culture is never forgot...


To see and hear their innocent laughter, lining after for rewards,

Proud they did it, love flows throughout the arena, afterwards...


Our little ones, are the keepers of the culture, future generations,

Dancing to the heart beat of mother earth, with love and passion...


                                    Love our tiny tots...❤

                           " Our children are our future... "



Since the beginning of time, our children are the foundation,

The key to the future, knowledge generation after generation...


From teachings of the knowledge keepers, leaders and elders,

Passing down generation to generation, old teachings do matter...


Children open to learning, to do with respect, without question,

Wisdom and love for mother earth, all living things, reincarnation...


Respect the culture in it`s beauty, to appreciate, to show respect,

It is our responsibility to teach our children, all we need to protect...


Love of family, from old ones, parents, babies, land community,

All are connected as one, in harmony and balance, is our reality...


Our children are our future, it is for us to show them the light,

To become a good human being, full of love, a future so bright...


Love is the key, respect the foundation, sacred spiritual growth,

Our children are the future, leaders of tomorrow, future the most...


                          Our children are the future...❤